World renowned for her designs, writing and teaching Lindy Smith is a highly experienced and talented British cake designer & sugarcrafter. Recognised for her exquisite attention to detail and eye for colour Lindy has been translating her designs into sugarcraft for many years From humble beginnings in her home kitchen, experimenting with the ‘basics’ she learnt from an inspirational teacher, she soon discovered that sugar was the perfect medium through which to express her creative abilities and original ideas.
In 1997 Lindy entered her first set of competitions and much to her own amazement received 3 gold awards. She had arrived in the ‘cake’ world! In 1998 she started writing regular features for Cakes and Sugarcraft Magazine. Her first cake decorating book was published in 2000. She has continued to write books ever since, loving the freedom it gives her to be highly creative and original.
Lindy travels extensively for her work, gathering inspiration along the way, she has been very privileged to see first hand how sugarcraft and cake decorating is constantly evolving around the globe. Lindy runs a successful company, Lindy’s Cakes Ltd, based in Buckinghamshire, UK. The online shop side of the business specialises in sugarcraft products that she has ‘hand picked’ herself and uses in her books. She teaches sugarcraft at regular workshops throughout the year and continues to write about sugarcraft on a regular basis. Lindy Smith is passionate about her art and brings a fresh contemporary look to sugarcraft and cake design.